Why Some H1B immigrants fail in USA
why some h1b immigrants don't succeed in america but before we get started i would really appreciate if you can give me a thumbs up to the video it allows me to reach out to more people just like you so let's jump into topic so number one thing folks understand one thing so when i'm talking about h1b aspirants or people who are working on h1b people are working on f1 visa opt now there are always some people who will be exceptions to the rule there are now you you may say like hey but like immigrants are so successful um like the google ceo is a indian uh immigrant um the microsoft ceo is an immigrant and i understand that folks and i you know kudos to them and that's really good that you know there are some immigrants who are able to represent um international people at such corporation and that's great news but you have to understand what you and i as maybe average individuals who may not get there or who don't have those kind of opportunities can do on a regular basis to succeed in our jobs can do on a regular basis to get ahead in our careers and what stops us from doing that why do people fail sometimes and that's the things i want to cover with you so let's jump into that so understand one thing folks i'm talking about average people who are graduated with mechanical civil automotive engineering degrees who are electrical engineers these are the normal degrees people have graduated with not all of these people will get up to high levels like that most of these people will be stuck in a rat race for next 40 years by the time they graduate by the time they actually retire they may have a nice home couple of kids house in the suburbs maybe a couple of cars maybe even a tesla but will these people ever really achieve everything one they want in life or will they just like try to get under the radar so that is what happens with most of the people i know i have met here and that's what's happening with the people i've known so why does this happen why is these people not able to succeed so the number one reason what i have been able to figure out from my own perspective through my own experiences of working in us for about last four to five years is the number one thing that stops us is fear now fear is very very interesting now sometimes this fear can be real and sometimes this can be made up you know like they say fear is false evidence appearing real similarly what happens is these people who are kind of working in corporate world for example let's say you're an f1 visa student you just got a job uh you just got a job okay so it starts right from the time you start an interview you go into an interview you're afraid to ask sponsorship you are like i just need a job right now i don't care about sponsorship this is where it will start because you think like if i ask for sponsorship they not they may not give me a job this is where it starts now what you're doing you're setting these bad habits from the beginning and that's why you will have trouble in future i'll tell you how it happens now let's say you start work you did not ask for it you didn't ask for a sponsorship or maybe you just mentioned it you said i may need it in the future but i don't need it right now to start working here's what happens now let's say you started working you bought bottom that topic a year later you want an h-1b visa now you have to do a lot of song and dance about h1b visa you have to prove that hey you are like good enough candidate so that they can sponsor your h1b now let's say they do your h1b okay in april now you want a one month let's say you get accepted now you want a one month break in october to go back to india or like november december time frame to go to india and come back so what will happen you'll take this month off you'll talk to your boss you'll say you get three weeks four weeks off now suddenly you're like oh i just came back from my country now i just i need to perform really harder and yeah that's great great news but then let's say you get your salary and you get only a three percent or four percent raise even though you performed really well you worked hard you were expecting maybe six to eight percent but you just got two and a half percent this is where immigrants miss immigrants make mistakes they will never go to their boss and ask them hey why did i not get a six percent why did i not get an eight percent what can i do to get those raises you will never ask this question i never asked these questions before and i just took whatever they gave me whatever they gave me i was like oh thank you so much i really appreciate i really appreciate because i remember i was making 54 000 in 2017 at a company in ann arbor they gave me i used to and they gave me a fifteen hundred dollar raise which is like three percent at that time two and like two point five three percent raise and i was so happy i was like oh wow thank you so much i really appreciate money i was like oh my god fifteen hundred dollars hundred dollars extra per per month which is like fifty dollars per paycheck that's a lot of money squat folks that's not a lot of money understand one thing folks this is where immigrants don't immigrants fail because they are not willing to be bold to ask what they deserve you need to be bold you have to develop this boldness it will come it won't happen in the night it will come over time but understand one thing folks just the way you need the company the company also needs you you have to understand that as much as you need the company to do your h1b green card and stuff like that they also need you that much recently i went through a project management training in my company and i found out that in order for them to hire one new employee it takes about it cost them 35 000 so if you are an employee at a company and they had to replace you it will cost them 35 000 dollars just to replace and the bigger the company it is the more money it cost them for example let's say so let's say if you got a four percent raise which is two thousand dollars and you go to your boss and say i need eight percent which is five thousand dollars your boss is gonna be like well if i so first of all they're not going to you know a lot of people have misconceptions like oh if i ask a raise will they let me go will they fire me no people don't just fire you because you asked a raise now if your performance was really bad and still you're asking for a raise they're gonna be like man why are you asking a race like is this an entitled mentality but if you really believe that you performed exceptionally well last year you did really hard work then that's fine for you to ask a five percent raise is if you wanna if economy is doing great it's fine for you to ask that five percent raise folks that's totally fine because the reason is you are making money for the company you are an asset to the company so just because i know a lot of my friends you know even me i remember one year i was going to do my h1b and i was like well should i ask for a raise this year or not because my company is filing for my h1b understand one thing folks your h1b your green card application is independent of your work and how much you put into your work it is not dependent on you know oh i'll give you 80 000 i'll give you 60 000 salary but i'll do your green card no that's not how it works folks green card immigration yes these are a little bit extra cost than hiring a local person but understand there is a reason they are not hiring local person because they can't find it you will not get a job if there is a local person who is able to do this job so understand there is a reason they are hiring you and they have to justify that reason to the government of the usa and you know what they have to pay that extra money so that they can hire you so your income has nothing to do with your hmb or your green card you should be able to ask what you deserve in my opinion so here's what i say so so that fear you know that fear will keep you behind folks that fear will be like you know it will take hold of you and you will never be able to succeed in your job and that's what happened to me i wasted two three four years just being afraid just being afraid to ask what i deserved and when i started to understand that hey you know what if i'm putting in the work then i'm going to ask for things i need i became bold i started communicating with my hr i started coming talking to my managers i started communicating with them that hey this is what i need this year this is what i need i need tuition fees for my school i need green card application done this year because i don't want to be worried i don't want that stress when i'm working i want to i want my performance to be really really good because sometimes what happens folks let's say if your company is not able to do your green card properly or your h1b properly you will start resenting your own company and you don't want to go through those kind of things you will be like you know you start daydreaming about other companies who may be able to do your green card faster who may be able to do that and that is detrimental to you and your company because you will not be able to give your best if it's a good company you love it you got in there because you saw potential they really treated you well and you still love the environment then i feel it's your you need to start talking to them that hey you know what i need this to be done recently i had an experience in my company you know i had to reach out to one of my hr managers and i had to talk to them that hey this is what's happening i'm not able to communicate with people people are reaching back to me i really need your help can you help me and guess what my hr took in charge they said don't worry about it we'll take care of it and that's what it is all about folks it's about you stepping up and having those conversations with people who will help you to get ahead but it starts with becoming bold it starts with having the courage to speak up all right so number two why why the h1b people don't succeed in my opinion number two is flying under the radar you know like getting by attitude what i mean by that is what these people will do is like they will go to work thinking monday is a drag for them friday they look for friday they live for the weekends they can't wait for friday afternoon because they know they're gonna get done friday night saturday sunday they're gonna travel they're gonna go here and there and that's what they live for folks they don't live for monday to friday understand if you if you came to america all the way from your country you left everything behind your parents your family all those things for you to live for the weekend then guess what folks in my opinion there's something really wrong with that because you should be looking forward to monday monday should be your favorite day of the week because isn't that why you came to america to the land of dream isn't that what you think this is the land of the dream land of the opportunity to make that income so why why are we so why are we so negative or why are we so harsh towards like going back to work why is work such a pain now i understand it is dreadful like you know after a couple of days of like relaxation it's hard to get back into the group but you shouldn't be hating it you shouldn't be like oh my god i can't wait for this week to be done because it's fine sometimes you will have that you will have a lot of stress you have a lot of work but if you're always looking forward to the weekend then something is wrong you need to change that folks and that's one of the reasons i see a lot of my friends who are graduating newly who are in the industry for two three years they don't enjoy their work they don't really enjoy what they're doing and that's what keeps them behind they will look for ways to get out of work earlier they'll try to skip work they'll you know if people are getting out at 4 they'll try to skip at 3 30 they'll you know they think nobody's looking but guess what folks you yourself are watching and there's always someone watching you don't worry about it trust me there's always someone watching you if no one else is watching you're watching yourself and guess what it's gonna hurt your self-image so this attitude of getting by will not take you ahead in life i've done it i'm not saying i'm i'm a perfect human being i've done i've been where you are i've done it i've taken shortcuts i remember in my internship i used to leave early i was like oh i don't have enough work what's the point in staying here but understand one thing folks this is where you need to change your attitude especially in your beginning stages of your work first three four five years this is where you have to put in the maximum amount of work ethic and effort because the habits you build now will stay with you eventually for next 20 30 40 years i have friends who are 15 20 years in the industry and they have this bs attitude they try to get out early they try to work from home they wanna they wanna do the minimum and expect the maximum results the only place you'll get success before work is in dictionary folks so you have to understand you have to put in the work you have to be honest you have to go the extra mile this is where i kind of take advantage of what has been given to me is i will always be that person if my company wants me to work on some project if they want need me to work on something and i know it's very important for them that i work on it i will always say yes i will never say no i will always say yes i'll always go the extra mile because when you go the extra mile the company will give you extra folks there is a saying that a person who does more than what he is being paid today will eventually make much more money than what he does for work so the amount of value you're giving in today maybe it's maybe more than what you're making but eventually it will add up and the money you'll be making will be immensely more than the value you're adding it will happen to you folks it happens to me multiple times through this platform or through my work through other platforms and i am really grateful that i kind of understood this principle and these are really great people in my life who taught me these principles and that brings me to the part three that why some people don't succeed in america is the reason is because they don't have proper mentorship they don't have proper friendships in their life they don't have proper friends who are setting a right example for them most of their friends are just like that they're looking for friday afternoon they're like i can't wait to get out of here so that we can go party we can go to the club we can do this nothing wrong with that you deserve to have fun but after a hard work hard working week that's when you deserve you have to earn the right to have fun folks now you may think i may come here like a dad or something like that i don't want to come across like that but sometimes you just need to understand we just need to reflect about why are we here why did we leave the best life we had the pleasures the family all these things to come here and build something because understand immigrants have always built another countries immigrants are the people who will come to that country and build something new so you have been given this opportunity why don't why not make the best out of it so here's what needs to change you need to find out people in your life who will who are doing the things you want to do you need to find people in life who are where you want to be or you need to find in life people who are doing more than what you're doing who are paying that price who are hard working who don't take shortcuts and these people will make you grow they will make you uncomfortable because you will look at them and you're like oh my god i have that potential why i'm i'm not performing like that and they will help you grow and that's what gets ahead folks just like an iron sharpens an iron people will sharpen people so make sure you associate yourself with people who are better than you who are going ahead or people who are in life where you want to be who are more productive who get every ounce of that productivity back from their day so saying that this is what pretty much what i had you know these are some of the things i have identified that what i used to do as an immigrant mistakes i used to do as an immigrant and some of my friends who did mistakes and i hope you don't have to go through that and if you're watching this you're in us already i hope maybe you can learn something from my mistakes and get ahead because i really want my friends my peers my fellow immigrants and as a matter of fact the community itself to grow and get ahead because these are the things we need to start becoming aware of to get ahead but i think that's pretty much what i had for you today if you have any questions please let me know in the comment section otherwise i'll see you in the next video