Tips to clear L1 Visa Interview

 Tips to clear L1 Visa Interview 

so lot of USA L1 Visa interviews are lined up in the next couple of months and in this video we will talk about the recent Trends and the questions which are being asked currently in India also we're going to show you some real interview experiences and some tips on how you can build your credit history in the US keep on watching hi guys my name is Visa coach on this channel you will find lots of useful videos on the US Visa process we have an entire playlist for N1 Visa so make sure to check it out we also have some free resources there is a document checklist and a question back which is going to help you in your preparation so once you're done watching this video check out the description box and get your free downloads so we've been keeping a really close watch at the L1 Visa interviews which have happened in 2023 and analyzing the data and analyzing the questions which are being asked to the interview there are three trends that we observe and you need to keep these Trends in mind when you prepare for the interview so let's jump into it so the first Trend we have observed is increased Focus towards the role in U.S N1 interviews would typically start with some questions about the current or the India role and then progress towards the role in U.S but the recent Trends and the interviews which are happening in 2023 we see that the focus is completely on the role in us and there are many interviews in which no questions are being asked about the India role in fact the Visa officer starts the interview directly by asking about the role in U.S typical questions asked here are why is the company sending you all n1a or n1b which is another way of asking what's your role in U.S why you for this role why not someone else or why not summon from the U.S office and what will be your salary or your income in the US now here's a pro tip for you to handle this situation if the interview starts directly with the role in U.S before you proceed to explain and give details of that to the news officer include a one-line context or a one-line introduction about your role in India if it's an l1b interview this one line introduction could highlight your key expertise your specialized knowledge any proprietary tool or platform that you have worked on and if you're going for n1a then this one then introduction could highlight your key managerial responsibility and the team size that you handle now why is this important this online introduction will really help the Visa officer to get a better depth and a better understanding about your role in us without understanding about the India Road it might be difficult to comprehend the importance of the U.S role and this one line introduction would set things in place Additionally you also need to take care of your ds160 form because nothing is being asked about the India role in the interview the ds160 form is the only place where you could highlight the role that you're playing currently so the briefly describe your duties box is going to be really important and take time to structure it well now don't make it too short two to three lines where it's difficult to understand or get any idea about your current role also don't make it too long because the ds160 form doesn't allow for any formatting so anything which is too lengthy becomes difficult to read em and getting in 8 to 10 lines wherein again for l1b the first few lines should highlight your expertise your skill set and proprietary work and for l1a the first few lines itself should highlight the key manageable responsibility and the team size that you handle the second Trend we have observed is increased focus on location of work so the L1 interviews in 2023 had a lot of question asked about location of wealth and location of State these officers were asking a lot of question about where the company is located where you will stay where you will work and will you go to office and the sense we are getting from all of this is that remote work is not truly being encouraged and the race officers really want to see whether your work will involve being in the same location and will involve actually going to office now in L1 you could either work at client location or at company location both are fine but just make sure that where you stay and where you're planning to milk falls in the same vicinity or in the same area as your company the typical location being asked in this trend are where is your company located will you be working at the client vocation or company location where are you going to stay and will you go to office how many days of week are you planning to go to office speaking of location here's a pro tip along with planning for the visa interview many of you might already be thinking about your transition and your move to the US and I want to share with you a product which will make a part of this transition simple and hassle-free this product is called Nova credit now one of the first things you will need when you reach the US is a credit card and you're going to use it everywhere you're going to use it to pay bills to buy products to buy things for your new home and your new life and what's really going to matter is your credit history and the score which takes time to build what if I told you that there was an easy way to do this what if I told you that you could use your Indian credit history which you have built up over all the years of working here in India and transfer that to the US NOAA credit does exactly this so it takes you Indian credit history and develops a U.S equivalent score which will help you get an amazing credit card right from day one in the US and this is an annexed card and it has a lot of benefits and these benefits are no annual fee or deposit required attractive cash packs a high credit card limit and benefits on travel and gas spend plus a really secure fraud detection system not only a credit card Nova credit can also help you get a good mobile phone and a plan they have a partnership at Verizon for this and this plan will be at zero percent interest and 36 month Emi so literally the two basic requirements a credit card and a phone plan is going to be taken care by Nova Credit Now how to apply and get this it's really simple they have a very simple application process where then you need to fill in a few details and submit and they will get back to you the link for this is in the description box below so once you're done watching the video make sure to check out this link and start your application with Nova credit I would highly recommend it and I'm pretty sure that this is going to help you make the transition to us a notch easier the third trend is the key question so there is one question which is being asked in almost every L1 interview for l1a it is how many years of managerial experience you've had and what's the average team size you've handled and for l1b it is what is your area of expertise and here's a pro tip to tackle this when you are answering this question remember it's not about going into details of your roles and responsibility because the actual roles and responsibility can sound routine and generic what is really required her is to bring in the highlights of your entire career when you're talking about your expertise or your managerial experience you need not be limited to just the current organization so let's say that your expertise is domain oriented and you had the skill set this experience even from your past employer or past company you could bring in and highlight that as well this question is really about putting together all the highlights all the positives of your profile and presenting that to the Visa officer and not really going into the actual roles responsibilities and the details of the execution so put together a summary or highlight of your profile for l1b it will be the key skill set the specialized knowledge that you've acquired which can be in the company or in the past companies also and for n1a it will be the total managerial experience and all the type of projects and the average team size you handle again not restricted to just your present employer so I hope that these interview Trends and questions that we have discussed have helped you comment below and let me know which Visa category you're going for whether it's n1a or n1b so put a comment down below and let me know also for a more detailed threat you can reach out to me we can do one-to-one session to help you in the interview preparation and we can also do a mock to give you an idea of the real interview details of all of these preparation plans is right here in the description box make sure to check it out now the next part of the video we're going to share some real interview experiences with you these are the recent interviews and also some interview tips by one of our clients so make sure to stick around till the end of this video alright hope you really enjoyed the next part of this video and I will see you again in the next one take care bye thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign and my company because I have a you know team working as a GMS Global Mobility system team who take care of all these process but I was proactive on this because from the last two years I was working on my H1B and it was not happening there was some documentation issue or something was happening because of which I was getting rfps which were not getting approved so this time I thought I must not take any chance and I proactively reviewed and screened all the documents that we are sharing with attorney so what is your learning from this entire journey of a very long journey I would say of edge yes yes we have to be proactive throughout this journey I mean if we see if a company if our organization your employer is taking care of all your Visa process but still everyone have to you know proactive review all the documents coming to the actual interview the main date yes so let's start what did you wear first of all my consulate was in New Delhi so at that time you also suggested that suit will be not you know that will be not too much to carry for Albany and so I was confident that if you have suggested let's go with the suit the attire was formal suit okay correct so I was the only person there in soon but still I was okay about it I was not sure whether otherwear in the queue where for L1 a or not I didn't get a chance to interact much because uh I didn't have to wait much uh as soon as I entered and uh things got you know processing the second thing that need to be done is to you know connect with you have a counseling with you because see seriously I knew the answers I I was because I prepared everything the questions because questionnaires are available on the internet right I was aware of the question that I will be asked at the formatting and the designing that you did that be that gave me a lot of confidence right that whatever she will ask I have everything the only thing is I have to be calm like I did in the first question I was telling everything I was telling everything so this idea I wanted to control my words and had to become that was the thing that was required at that time thank you so much for watching if you have any more questions feel free to leave them in the comment section you can also DM me on Instagram my Instagram handles well and we have more useful content coming up in the L1 Series so make sure to subscribe and stick around

so lot of USA L1 Visa interviews are  lined up in the next couple of months  and in this video we will talk about the  recent Trends and the questions which  are being asked currently in India also  we're going to show you some real  interview experiences and some tips on  how you can build your credit history in  the US keep on watching  hi guys my name is  Visa coach on this channel you will find  lots of useful videos on the US Visa  process we have an entire playlist for  N1 Visa so make sure to check it out we  also have some free resources there is a  document checklist and a question back  which is going to help you in your  preparation so once you're done watching  this video check out the description box  and get your free downloads so we've  been keeping a really close watch at the  L1 Visa interviews which have happened  in 2023 and analyzing the data and  analyzing the questions which are being  asked to the interview there are three  trends that we observe and you need to  keep these Trends in mind when you  prepare for the interview so let's jump  into it so the first Trend we have  observed is increased Focus towards the  role in U.S N1 interviews would  typically start with some questions  about the current or the India role and  then progress towards the role in U.S  but the recent Trends and the interviews  which are happening in 2023 we see that  the focus is completely on the role in  us and there are many interviews in  which no questions are being asked about  the India role in fact the Visa officer  starts the interview directly by asking  about the role in U.S typical questions  asked here are why is the company  sending you all n1a or n1b which is  another way of asking what's your role  in U.S why you for this role why not  someone else or why not summon from the  U.S office and what will be your salary  or your income in the US now here's a  pro tip for you to handle this situation  if the interview starts directly with  the role in U.S before you proceed to  explain and give details of that to the  news officer include a one-line context  or a one-line introduction about your  role in India if it's an l1b interview  this one line introduction could  highlight your key expertise your  specialized knowledge any proprietary  tool or platform that you have worked on  and if you're going for n1a then this  one then introduction could highlight  your key managerial responsibility and  the team size that you handle now why is  this important this online introduction  will really help the Visa officer to get  a better depth and a better  understanding about your role in us  without understanding about the India  Road it might be difficult to comprehend  the importance of the U.S role and this  one line introduction would set things  in place Additionally you also need to  take care of your ds160 form because  nothing is being asked about the India  role in the interview the ds160 form is  the only place where you could highlight  the role that you're playing currently  so the briefly describe your duties box  is going to be really important and take  time to structure it well now don't make  it too short two to three lines where  it's difficult to understand or get any  idea about your current role also don't  make it too long because the ds160 form  doesn't allow for any formatting so  anything which is too lengthy becomes  difficult to read em and getting in 8 to  10 lines wherein again for l1b the first  few lines should highlight your  expertise your skill set and proprietary  work and for l1a the first few lines  itself should highlight the key  manageable responsibility and the team  size that you handle  the second Trend we have observed is  increased focus on location of work so  the L1 interviews in 2023 had a lot of  question asked about location of wealth  and location of State these officers  were asking a lot of question about  where the company is located where you  will stay where you will work and will  you go to office and the sense we are  getting from all of this is that remote  work is not truly being encouraged and  the race officers really want to see  whether your work will involve being in  the same location and will involve  actually going to office now in L1 you  could either work at client location or  at company location both are fine but  just make sure that where you stay and  where you're planning to milk falls in  the same vicinity or in the same area as  your company the typical location being  asked in this trend are where is your  company located will you be working at  the client vocation or company location  where are you going to stay and will you  go to office how many days of week are  you planning to go to office speaking of  location here's a pro tip along with  planning for the visa interview many of  you might already be thinking about your  transition and your move to the US and I  want to share with you a product which  will make a part of this transition  simple and hassle-free this product is  called Nova credit now one of the first  things you will need when you reach the  US is a credit card and you're going to  use it everywhere you're going to use it  to pay bills to buy products to buy  things for your new home and your new  life and what's really going to matter  is your credit history and the score  which takes time to build  what if I told you that there was an  easy way to do this what if I told you  that you could use your Indian credit  history which you have built up over all  the years of working here in India and  transfer that to the US NOAA credit does  exactly this so it takes you Indian  credit history and develops a U.S  equivalent score which will help you get  an amazing credit card right from day  one in the US and this is an annexed  card and it has a lot of benefits and  these benefits are no annual fee or  deposit required attractive cash packs a  high credit card limit and benefits on  travel and gas spend plus a really  secure fraud detection system not only a  credit card Nova credit can also help  you get a good mobile phone and a plan  they have a partnership at Verizon for  this and this plan will be at zero  percent interest and 36 month Emi so  literally the two basic requirements a  credit card and a phone plan is going to  be taken care by Nova Credit Now how to  apply and get this it's really simple  they have a very simple application  process where then you need to fill in a  few details and submit and they will get  back to you the link for this is in the  description box below so once you're  done watching the video make sure to  check out this link and start your  application with Nova credit I would  highly recommend it and I'm pretty sure  that this is going to help you make the  transition to us a notch easier the  third trend is the key question so there  is one question which is being asked in  almost every L1 interview for l1a it is  how many years of managerial experience  you've had and what's the average team  size you've handled and for l1b it is  what is your area of expertise and  here's a pro tip to tackle this when you  are answering this question remember  it's not about going into details of  your roles and responsibility because  the actual roles and responsibility can  sound routine and generic what is really  required her is to bring in the  highlights of your entire career when  you're talking about your expertise or  your managerial experience you need not  be limited to just the current  organization so let's say that your  expertise is domain oriented and you had  the skill set this experience even from  your past employer or past company you  could bring in and highlight that as  well this question is really about  putting together all the highlights all  the positives of your profile and  presenting that to the Visa officer and  not really going into the actual roles  responsibilities and the details of the  execution so put together a summary or  highlight of your profile for l1b it  will be the key skill set the  specialized knowledge that you've  acquired which can be in the company or  in the past companies also and for n1a  it will be the total managerial  experience and all the type of projects  and the average team size you handle  again not restricted to just your  present employer so I hope that these  interview Trends and questions that we  have discussed have helped you comment  below and let me know which Visa  category you're going for whether it's  n1a or n1b so put a comment down below  and let me know also for a more detailed  threat you can reach out to me we can do  one-to-one session to help you in the  interview preparation and we can also do  a mock to give you an idea of the real  interview details of all of these  preparation plans is right here in the  description box make sure to check it  out now the next part of the video we're  going to share some real interview  experiences with you these are the  recent interviews and also some  interview tips by one of our clients so  make sure to stick around till the end  of this video alright hope you really  enjoyed the next part of this video and  I will see you again in the next one  take care bye  thank you  [Music]  [Music]  [Music]  foreign  and my company because I have a you know  team working as a GMS Global Mobility  system team who take care of all these  process but I was proactive on this  because from the last two years I was  working on my H1B and it was not  happening there was some documentation  issue or something was happening because  of which I was getting rfps which were  not getting approved so this time I  thought I must not take any chance and I  proactively reviewed and screened all  the documents that we are sharing with  attorney so what is your learning from  this entire journey of a very long  journey I would say of edge  yes yes we have to be proactive  throughout this journey I mean if we see  if a company if our organization your  employer is taking care of all your Visa  process but still everyone have to you  know proactive review all the documents  coming to the actual interview the main  date yes so let's start what did you  wear first of all my consulate was in  New Delhi so at that time you also  suggested that suit will be not you know  that will be not too much to carry for  Albany and so I was confident that if  you have suggested let's go with the  suit the attire was formal suit okay  correct so I was the only person there  in soon but still I was okay about it  I was not sure whether otherwear in the  queue where for L1 a or not I didn't get  a chance to interact much because uh I  didn't have to wait much uh as soon as I  entered and uh things got you know  processing the second thing that need to  be done is to you know connect with you  have a counseling with you because see  seriously I knew the answers I I was  because I prepared everything the  questions because questionnaires are  available on the internet right I was  aware of the question that I will be  asked at the formatting and the  designing that you did that be that gave  me a lot of confidence right that  whatever she will ask I have everything  the only thing is I have to be calm like  I did in the first question I was  telling everything I was telling  everything so this idea I wanted to  control my words and had to become that  was the thing that was required at that  time thank you so much for watching if  you have any more questions feel free to  leave them in the comment section you  can also DM me on Instagram my Instagram  handles  well and we have more useful content  coming up in the L1 Series so make sure  to subscribe and stick around


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