Reasons for L1 Visa Refusal

L1 Visa Refusal reasons

hello my dear friends i'm stanislav  shamif a licensed business immigration  and a corporate attorney in miami  florida today i'm going to be discussing  five top reasons why your l1 visa may be  denied at the end of this video you'll  be able to learn how to get a free  evaluation of your case from myself  let's do this  my friends i noticed that only 60  percent of you that watch my video  subscribe to my channel please do  subscribe to my channel so i know that  the time that i spend on this is not  lost i'm doing it for you i'm creating a  lot of free content so please subscribe  and uh we both benefit and also smash  the like button so i know that you are  interested in the business immigration  and you want me to create more content  on business related visas okay in short  let's remember what is l1 visa l1 visa  is opening up a startup or purchasing an  existing business in the united states  of america that is affiliated with your  company outside of the united states of  america for example you have business in  italy you have a restaurant and you want  to open up a restaurant here in the  states and transfer yourself from the  managing position in a restaurant in a  managing position in the u.s restaurant  and scale it and grow it if this is the  case l1 visa is just for you and one  little remark that your business in the  united states of america does not have  to be the same as back in your country  so in my previous example if you have a  restaurant you don't have to have a  restaurant here you may open up ice  cream parlor or you may produce goods or  sell services it does really matter as  long as i can show that your experience  on a managing or executive position  outside of the states can be translated  for the business in the united states if  you want to know more details on this  visa please  watch my prior videos where i describe  the criteria for this visa and i explain  the details and the process of how to  apply and how to get it this video is  specifically five top reasons why you  may get a denial reason number one you  do not have enough employees in your  foreign business it's really important  to work with experienced attorney with  the l1 visas or whatever visa you want  to do why because certain things in  certain ways the uscis is looking at the  petition is not written into the law the  law says one thing and uh  uscis adds its own policies how they  treat that law as long as it doesn't go  beyond the law and it could be  challenged in the court this is  perfectly fine so the way the  immigration services look at the number  of people in the business is actually  connected to the second reason why you  may get it now for this visa which i'm  going to describe later but still we  have to show that you are a manager or  an executive if you don't know the  difference maybe l1 visa is not for you  but manager is the one who manages  certain department of the company or  generally manages the company the  executive a person who is responsible  for strategic development of the company  let's make an example if you have a  company with a few departments let's say  one of them is marketing department one  of them is sales department each  department may have its own managers  right so a manager of the marketing  department the manager the sales  department and they have people under  the control that way we can show that  whoever is above the managers of the  departments are either managers also or  executives for example if you have a  director is managing your company as  well the managers can be under control  of directors and directors report to ceo  of the company ceo and director in this  company may possibly get the l1 visa  because we can show that they are in a  managing or executive position the  manager of the department is not because  they manage  only operational or administrative  employees so they don't manage the  managing people and this is very  important you have to manage other  managing people or executive people  depending on where you are so if we  don't have at least 12 to 15 people in  your company outside of the states it's  almost impossible to prove that you are  doing what you're doing you know the  stories your friend told you the story  you read on forum and google told you  and i know these stories that we got l1  uses for the company with less than that  however in my opinion those are high  risk petitions and uh i would ask you to  get at least 12 to 15 people not to get  denial on this basis so the second  reason you cannot show that you are a  top manager or the executive of your  company stanislaw what about functioning  manager okay if you ask that question to  yourself or to me you you did your  research you did your analysis that's  very good it's very impressive it's true  that a functional manager does not have  to have people under his or her control  however the infrastructure of the  company should be such that everything  else that needs to be done is being done  by other employees who could be a  functional manager for example executive  position in the company who is  responsible for negotiating and signing  the large contracts so you don't have to  have an employee to uh to do this work  you can do it by yourself and because  you're in a senior position you have the  power to  change the terms and sign those  contracts but if you don't have let's  say in this example it's a manufacturer  if you have the production if you don't  have the sales department if you don't  have the logistics department if you  have the finance department we won't be  able to prove that your functional  manager even though you do the higher  level of things in the company so  functional manager is separate in ninety  percent of the cases we're dealing with  people who control other people so uh  only managers top managers and executive  positions control other people we need  to have a three level of control for the  person who is being transferred from the  foreign company and the foreign  companies the one that's outside of the  states to the united states with the  executive position the director who  reports to ceo who has the manager of  the marketing department is going to  satisfy the criteria of the executive  because it's the executive position and  there is a manager or managers maybe  that position is responsible for two or  three departments in the in the company  and there is a three-way structure so  the person executive himself the manager  and the other employees in the  department if the marketing department  is huge like for example in my company i  have 10 people in the marketing  department right so maybe one person is  not enough to manage all these people  maybe within the market department you  have a manager then other project  managers and people under the control of  the project managers in this case the  marketing manager could also be  transferred to the united states of  america because now we have three-way  control under this manager so manager  himself the project managers and the  third one is the regular employees who's  doing the actual work it's very common  uh to get a denial we cannot prove that  you are in this top position and also  don't forget and of course you'll  probably watch my prior video about the  l1 criteria we not only have to show  that you are a manager or executive we  actually have to prove it  as as funny as it may sound and we need  to produce all the paperwork showing how  exactly you perform your duty but this  is for a separate video but you have to  know that you have to prove your  position first of all to me so i could  prove it to the immigration officer  number three lack of adequate financing  of your american business of course if  you already have a working operations in  in the united states of america and  you're just transferring yourself or  your employee or somebody in your  company to manage function or certain  department or company there's no problem  with funding because that company is  already operational and and there is no  need for additional capital however if  it's a new offices start-up business  which is one of the options for l1 visa  you actually have to prove and i have to  show that to the immigration officers  that you have adequate funding  capitalization of that company status  law how much money do i need to have to  start the l1 visa so it satisfies the  criteria of financing well there is no  certain answer to this question because  each business is different however i can  give you a few insights so you have an  idea first of all and most importantly  that number is going to be shown in your  business plan and we're going to talk  about business plan a little bit later  so basically the amount of money you  have to have in your american company is  enough for the company to break even in  the future whenever you create a  business plan for your operations you  need to make sure that all the expenses  and everything you do to invest in the  company is going to be enough until the  company is going to start making money  and break even right to be able to uh  support itself fifty thousand dollars  it's 50. if it's 100k it's 100k if it's  two i don't know it depends how big is  your idea how big is your business what  what exactly you do but that should be  enough to support the company at least  for the first year or even if it's less  show it in the business plan that you  can start making enough money and it's  very common when immigration officer  says well it doesn't really seem that  your finance is adequate to support your  operations in the year one because your  business plan says abc and we have xyz  and they don't match so make sure that  finance is adequate if you had to put me  in the corner and put a gun to my head  and say stanislaus give me the number i  would say it doesn't really make sense  to start l1 visa if you have less than  100 to 150 000  it doesn't mean that you will spend that  amount maybe you'll spend only 50 or 60  or 80 out of these but to be on the safe  side and to have a good cushion for  unexpected unforeseen things this is the  amount i would start if you would ask  how much should you have to purchase an  adequate business for uh l one visa  lower line is uh 250 000  but realistically probably four to five  hundred thousand dollars and more right  so those are the numbers from my  practice from my experience i'm doing  this more than seven years and that's  the way it is number four bad business  plan and again you see everything is  interconnected in those five reasons  business plan is a must for a startup  business for l1 visa and sometimes even  for the existing business if it doesn't  completely satisfy the criteria to get  an l1 visa you need to make sure that  your business plan conforms to these  standards in the industry here in the  states in the case with my clients we  work with the professionals here in the  states they speak all languages in the  world  who can help you to create a good  business plan they will charge you  probably between fifteen to twenty  hundred dollars they will do great work  to show your idea on the paper what you  have on your mind and of course maybe  about ten percent of my clients create  the business plans uh themselves i have  nothing against it as long as it's uh  the way the immigration officer wants  i'll give you the templates i'll show  you things that you need to pay  attention to  but will have no responsibility for that  right so make sure your business plan is  good the numbers do match it's realistic  because sometimes i see the business  plans and you know i'm not i'm not a  business consultant but i already can  see that some things don't click either  the demands are too high or the  expectations are too low very high  numbers with the millions within first  years you know it should be realistic  and also very important to match your  business plan with the descriptions of  your u.s business because sometimes as  discrepancies and that means that there  is no single line there is no single  understanding so make sure everything  matches and your business plan is good  and realistic and reason number five you  don't claim that your business will have  enough personnel at the end of year one  year three or year five to support your  american operations and especially this  applies to the new offices to the new  startup because it's a one-year visa and  then we have to extend it to renew it  and uh it's critical to have five people  under your control at the end of year  one and eight people under your control  in the at the end of year three  stanislav my business does not need that  many people i need only maybe two three  persons and i'll be making good money i  don't need all that well if this is your  case then l1 visa is not for you because  l1 visa is only for those who will  manage other people l1 visa does not  care if you make money or you don't make  money of course it's important but it's  not the main focus the main focus is  that you're either manager or executive  and you're going to either manage other  people or manage a function of the  company and to make like i said before  to manage a function of the company you  still have to have a lot of people  stanislav i read on forum on google this  attorney told me i have a friend i heard  bum bum bum bum i also heard i also read  somebody told me and i also had my cases  where i extended l1 visa with three  employees after the first year and i  extended uh with five employees after  the third year however those are very  high risk petitions like i told you in  the very beginning if you have less than  12 to 15 people so if you're willing to  risk well with everybody when everybody  understands the risk this is not a  problem however if that's not what  you're looking at please consider maybe  e2 visa maybe o1 visa watch my other  videos i'll give you more details so  guys smash the like button if you like  the content of this video i really put a  lot of time into this so if you like my  videos it encourages me to create more  content and if you think you qualify for  l1 visa please go down below this video  and fill out the questionnaire that i  prepared for you very detailed and  answer every question in in detail and  i'll give you a free evaluation of your  case within 48 hours something that  other attorneys call a consultation and  charge you 300 dollars subscribe to my  channel subscribe to my uh instagram  shamaiofbusinesslaw you'll find the  links below this video subscribe to my  tic tac a lot of good entertaining and  actual content that's going to help you  to understand the visas the links also  below this video this was stanislav  shamif the glory of your future your  future starts here  good luck  [Music]  you

L1 VISA refusal reasons

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